Luz Lizarazo
August 2021 - Feb 2022
MAMBO - Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá, Colombia
Cicatrices [Scars] is the first institutional exhibition ever devoted to Luz Lizarazo's multifaceted oeuvre. A selection of her most representative works, developed over the last fifteen years, is displayed beside new pieces specially conceived for this exhibition.
Throughout her multi-decade career, Lizarazo’s poetic and political artwork has developed a distinctive visual language that confronts the systemic subjugation of the female voice and body, creating a space that recognizes and celebrates female autonomy, sexuality, and liberation.
The exhibition is thematically conceived to guide the visitor through Lizarazo's enchanted world by discovering her main abjections and fetishes, passions and obsessions, which inhabit her drawings, watercolors, paintings, sculptures, embroideries, and environmental installations.
El mundo intermedio (2019), En Gabinete de curiosidades [Wunderkammern], En su serie Piel [Skin] (2018-2021), En Taxidermia [Taxidermia] (2018), Piel Extendida [Extended Skin] (2021) y Universo (2021)are the parts that make up this exhibition. They question the broken traumas of a dispersed femininity and its association with animal force and the deconstruction of the female identity as an object of attraction and desire, repulsion, fear and fascination.