Sui Generis
Luigi Presicce, Ruben Montini, Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz (in collaboration with Aérea Negrot), Yan Xing, Alexandra Pirici and Manuel Pelmuş, Rosy Rox, Carlos Motta, Eddie Peake, Karol Radziszewski, Miguel Gutierrez, Regina José Galindo
Tenuta dello Scompiglio, Lucca, Italy
How can we relate, today, to the delicate and complex concepts associated with identity and gender? Is it still necessary to discuss these issues, without the risk of locking them into the framework of ideology, of a normative order that forces them into a panorama of already established possibilities? How should we confront them in their various ethical, political, social, cultural, anthropological, religious, imagined and symbolic implications?
Finally, what are the spaces for a critical debate that embraces, in a perspective that inclines towards the co-existence of the differences, the various phenomena that inhabit the conceptual universe linked to gender, such as heteronormativity, feminism, body, identity and egalitarianism of gender?
The so-called “gender theories” continue to provoke the political and cultural debate. They still gather diverse issues, from philosophy to social science, intercepting both feminist theories - connected to the discussion on egalitarianism of gender; and political debate - related to homophobia and the right to self-determination for transsexual and intersex persons.
It is no surprise that the debate on gender questions the role of tradition, stereotypes, language, education, actions, style, dress or networking modes, provoking conservative positions that erect barriers of violent ideological collision and waves of renewed intolerance that often animate the public debate. For this reason, the discussion on gender remains, still, a perennially pressing current issue.
Considering these premises, the performance festival Sui Generis [Latin for Queer], explores the conceptual complexity of gender, presenting a series of site-specific performances, connected to the body and performativity, that address problem of identity and gender and their portrayal in the media.